Thank you for attending our National Geographic Virtual Bootcamp! Here you’ll find catch ups, slide decks and some extra information from the bootcamp!


Through our training we looked at how to build a narrative to educate, entertain and enlighten. This doesn’t need to be a theatrical tale but it does need to make sense to our audience and guide them through our talk or video.

Public Speaking.

There’s lot’s to learn in public speaking. The things we learn can be used in speaking to the public on stage or on screen. Whether it’s in a theatre or down the lens of your camera phone, the rules still apply!


Cameras and computers are amazing creative tools we can use to tell our story. In these sections we learned a little bit about the cameras and the edit themselves so they don’t hold us back when we have something to say.

Tell your Story.

Here, Huw run’s you through just the flesh of the storytelling section of the bootcamp.

Do it on Stage.

There’s lot’s to cover in public speaking, here we look at it in a bit more depth.

Do it on Screen.

When making films with your camera (phone or otherwise) there’s a few technical aspects to know. We cover them here.

Edit in Adobe Rush.

National Geographic and Adobe have come together to give you access to Adobe Rush. We do a full walkthrough of how to edit in Rush here.

One on One Sessions.

Once you have your draft video and want more personalised feedback, book in a one on one session with Huw through Zoom.

Kit Lists.

You can tell great stories through film by using simple gear. But in Filmmaking, the more tools you have at your disposal, the more versatile you can be in telling those stories.