Our Local Labs use gifted technology and train local teams on the ground to tell their own stories and the Local Labs mentorship scheme pairs content creators from around the world with newfilmmakers and photographers in local communities.

  • Re-Purposed Camera Gear

    Filmmakers and photographers often have used camera gear they don’t know what to do with. Our Local Labs re-purpose donated gear and put it to use in local communities across the world who want to tell stories. You can choose if you want to be contacted by the local creator and be paired with them in our mentorship programme.

  • Local Training.

    We run training sessions in communities across the world to help local people amplify their voices and get their message out. With gifted technology we can run these training sessions and leave equipment there for them to use.

  • Online Tutorials.

    We develop online training to back up the in person training and pair local creators with mentors from across the world. This way every question gets answered and confidence builds.

Donate Camera Gear.

Coming Soon - We will be taking in used camera gear and repurposing it in our local labs, providing local people the tools they need to tell their own stories.

Become a Mentor.

Coming Soon - We’ll be pairing content creators from across the world with new storytellers to help them tell their story. Whether it’s in filmmaking, photography or any other content.