A Fox's Tale

A 1 week trip documenting the lives and mistreatment of Fennec Foxes in Morocco.


In Morocco, the Fennec Fox is considered a vulnerable species, with an estimated population size of fewer than 10,000 individuals. The Moroccan government has implemented measures to protect the Fennec Fox, including regulating hunting and banning the export of Fennec Foxes as pets. However, these measures have not eliminated the threat of hunting entirely. And they can be often seen with leashes around their neck.


Our project will document the lives of these fascinating creatures, showcasing their natural behaviors, habitat, and interactions with other animals. We will capture the raw beauty of these animals in their natural surroundings, as they hunt for food, socialize with their family members, and roam the vast desert landscapes.

Through our photography, we hope to raise awareness about the importance of protecting these animals and their habitat. The Fennec Fox is facing increasing threats due to habitat loss and hunting, and our project aims to highlight the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect these amazing creatures for future generations.

Part of a bigger problem.

Wildlife trafficking in Marrakesh is a significant issue, with many species, including the Barbary macaque and the North African tortoise, being illegally traded. This trade often involves capturing wild animals and selling them as pets, which can lead to the decline of local populations and threaten their survival.

Photos below by Huw James.


Huw James

A filmmaker and photographer who will create a short 6 minute film.

Terje Kolaas

A talented photographer who will photograph the foxes and trafficking activities.