Our Climate Literacy Training is a virtual workshop to train professional athletes and brand ambassadors to have the confidence and knowledge to talk about climate change and human impact on the planet using their own experience from being in the field…


Talking Science.

With decades of training and science communication experience, our trainers give athletes a bedrock in communicating climate science: how to break down complex ideas, weave them in to their talks, and have the confidence to use their knowledge with the public.


Making a Change.

It’s important to know what impact climate change is having on a local and global level and what we can do about it. Advocating for our planet is a core belief of many athletes because we use nature as our playground and want to protect for others to use too. Knowing how and where we can effect change is important, as is encouraging others to do the same.

Climate Literacy.

We’ll start at the beginning: what is climate change, how is it happening, how do we know it’s caused by humans, and what are the effects? We will debunk myths that are commonly used by climate change deniers and give useful information and facts to bolster the knowledge and confidence of any ambassador while on film or speaking live.


Keeping it Fresh.

As part of this course we host quarterly live updates for ALL ambassadors who take the course. We speak with climate scientists about the latest research and policy proposals. It’s important we’re all up to date with this rapidly changing situation. We want your ambassadors to be informed too.


Our Climate Literacy programme is run by scientists, educators and athletes. We have the same values you do. Protect our planet for generations to come.