
The Athlete Climate Academy is designed to give professional athletes a science grounding when talking about the changes they see in our planet. Here you’ll find the most recent session/update and a host of resources too.



We’ve got lots of sessions coming up:

July 27th - Session 1 (2 Hours) - In session 1 we’ll look at the history of our planet and how the climate has changed over time. How have humans contributed to global warming and what is the current situation.

July 29th - Session 2 (2 Hours) - In session 2 we’ll look at the future of our climate and the changes we can expect to see. Is there anything science can do to slow down or even reverse the effects? And what should we be asking the outdoor industry to do about it.

September - Update 1 (2 Hours) - In this update we’ll talk about the latest climate news and hear from experts. Glacial Science with Pascal Egli. The future of mapping our mountains with FATMAP. And how the outdoor industry is changing with Salomon.

November - Update 2: (2 Hours) - In this update we catch up on the latest climate news. We find out how to talk to the public about climate change, the problems we’re facing with plastic and world food security.

January - Update 3 (2 Hours) - Here we look at the latest in climate news. Then, we hear about how the atmosphere is changing, learn about solar projects and renewables and the future for energy infrastructure.



You can watch the past sessions and updates in the play list here.


Alongside the live sessions we’ve also been creating extra videos for learning on topics.

It’s not just video sessions! We have downloads for you too.

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Climate Toolkit.

COMING SOON - Some handy resources to remind us all of the science underpinning our knowledge of climate change.

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Climate for Schools.

If you do talks in schools, here are 5 great science experiments for the schools to try out after your talk!

Ask a Scientist.

Do you have a burning question? Or have you been asked a question at a talk that you need an answer to? Ask here and we’ll get back to you with a short simple answer.